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Sunday 7 November 2010

A Daily Zoo Guide

To get the 7th Day Animal you need to VISIT your zoo EVERY DAY
You really don't need a reminder to return so make sure the
reminder box does not have a tick in it.

Do you have any babies waiting in Breeding Nests  for you?
Breeding should be done on a daily basis, if you will be away for a few days that is ok just breed an animal that will take longer to hatch. 
Click here to find out about vitamins and formula.
Print Out your own Zoo Breeding Guide and start collecting those WLP!
Now lets head over to our mailbox;
Here we will find daily quiz questions about animals get them right and you could be in the money. Have a look at these Answers To Quiz Questions.
Friends can also use these to leave you a message.
And any zoo updates / releases can sometimes be found in here.

Now lets go to the Juice.
We are limited to 200 juice per day (Juice for saving animals is extra)
The best way to get juice is to collect off feed where you see a post collect and share - that way your gifts are saved for animals and other things.
If you have received 200 juice from the feed your gifts will be invalid if you try to collect them - they will not give you more juice
Who needs juice? Cupid and the Candy Man and Shakey.
Now let's see if our animals are hungry - this is how we level up
by feeding treats and collecting hearts which uses the juice if using Cupid and the Candy Man. Each treat lasts a different time so it is easy to work out which suites you for the day.
Each treat cost $5 and has an experience bar. Every time you feed a treat, your Mastery Level in that treat goes up by one. When you get to Bronze level, your Hearts will start paying out Zoo Dollars in addition to XP. 
When you complete your Mastery Level you can share some money with your zoomates by posting your celebration.
Mystery gifts can be clicked and sent to feed
so that friends can collect trees and decorations for their zoos.
Some of the gifts we get from the boxes are upgradable
and can bring in money so if you see one on feed collect it.
There is no limit to the amount of people who can claim from each 
mystery gift box.

Click on your green house collect money and send a table to the feed,
if you do not yet have a green house clicking on a zoomates greenhouse will also allow you to send the table to feed.
Find out about Trees and Green Houses 
Click on your rose garden - it will give you some money
and allow you to send a rose to the feed.
When you go to your gift page you will also be able to send a
blue rose to the feed. Even if you have completed your rose garden
please continue to send them to the feed remember when you too
were trying to build your garden.
Click here to read about Rose Gardens

Zoo Mate Basket
You need to collect three of these daily.
When you collect them you can repost another for your friends 
and receive a gift in return. 
When you have posted the basket to your feed you will be able to see if any of your friends still need to become your zoomate and you can send them 
an invite or reminder.

Collect your gifts and accept your Zoo Mates 
We have 6 apps that we can use for zoo,
these are the only apps that should be used to play the game.
Any app promising to teach tricks, and Cheats offering free WLP or Zoo Cash
Is  spam! If it does not come from these apps will not work - block it!
Click here to check all Zoo Apps are valid and block the Fake Zoo Apps

Are you sending out animals and getting none in return? Join the Animal sharing Group

Come over here to find out about Mission Animals

Remember to click on your zoo gate 
Collect your Money and XP and upgrade your gate
be careful only do this once a day unless you have WLP to spare

Let's Pop over and Make sure you have everything Upgraded
Time to take a walk around the neighbourhood,
and see what friends have done in their zoos.
Click a few Green houses and trees to send flowers to friends,
Find their hidden treasure (if they don't have a treasure hunter the first box will give some added money or it will give a collectable item)
And make lots of money while you go visiting.

And when you return to your own zoo 
stop in and have a look at your Trophies 

Complete list of feed animals - make sure you have them all! 

Zoo World releases Buildables and Special Editions.
Be sure to complete these in the allotted time frame,
although Zoo often extends promotions there is never a guarantee
that this will happen and it might cost you WLP to complete.

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