Title of image Title of image

Monday, 30 August 2010

Next Buildable - A Rodeo

Rodeo Pieces

The five pieces to build the Zoo World Rodeo are
:Bleachers, Gates, Lassos, Cowgirl Boots, and,  Cowboy Hats.
and you will need to purchase the Rodeo Stand
This works on the same principle as all previous buildables
to get one of your own gift to those people who are asking for them.
If you send a gift you get one in return please do not clutter up peoples gift boxes
Please Click Here and Help others to complete theirs and you in turn will complete your own!

Next Buildable is thought to be the Tea Cup Ride

Facebook Interesting Information

List of Links

Spam notices are often the cause of innocent people being blocked!
Delete the person if you want to -
but please do not report them for spam -
it is not their fault they do not know it is happening.

Often these spam notes are sent when people are offline
so when you write to ask if they sent it they can not answer-
they are not there!

There are two places you can report the link to
Report link here

and Report link here

Chat Phishing

Why people Spam

What the Devs would like you to believe!

Why you are not seeing anything in your feed

Dont let the Feed Animals become Extinct!

This post is not for everyone!
If you click the link it will give you the chance to post animals.
An animal will come up and it will say sorry you can not adopt this animal
dont worry just click the cross and wait - one will appear.
It is not really a cheat just links to be able to keep playing
I am so sad that feed the animals are becoming extinct!
There was a time when we could post pear trees on feed
but these died out because the link was lost




Hug Me

Zoo World

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Get Your Close Friends to Tag you!

Facebook is shutting people out of their accounts for various reasons.
The only way we are able to get back in is to recognise photos of friends,
these are not of main profile photos but photos people have in their albums.

For people with large networks this can be an impossible task -
I went through the recognition lists 8 times - and it says ou can come back in an hour but does not reset!

You are given 7 different friends to recognise - you can only get 2 wrong.

Have only the closest friends tag you in pictures!

I would suggest keeping a list of these friends - as you are given a list of people to choose from - and if the name is in the list then it will probably be the right one.

Now for the crunch;
To really protect yourself I would suggest making a second facebook account.
You do not have to befriend anyone except yourself with this account.

Then when you come to try and get back into your account -
you will need to open both your back up in one browser
and the one you are trying to access in another browser.

IE - one in google chrome and one in Internet Explorer.
This is of course if you do not have the pleasure of having
access to two computors.

Please remember that you are timed.
So having a list will really help.

Good luck - I would not wish this on my worst enemy.

How to make a Tag
To tag another person’s photos, follow the steps below:
Click on the "Tag This Photo" link when you are browsing someone else's album.
2. Click on a person's face in the photo.
Select their name in the box that pops up. If their name is not already in the box, you can provide it. If you need to tag yourself, select "me."
Repeat this process for everyone in the photo.
Click the "Done Tagging" button at the top of the page once you've finished entering your tags.

How to remove a Tag
To remove the tag from a photo that someone else has uploaded and tagged you in, simply view the photo, and then choose "remove tag" at the bottom next to your name. The photo will no longer be linked to your profile. Please note that if you tag a user in a photo that you did not upload, you cannot remove or edit the tag. Only the owner of the photo and the tagged user will be able to do so.

Please note that you can set your notifications so that you always know when someone tags you or one of your photos. You can control this setting from the "Notifications" tab on the Account Settings page.

Click here if you have been blocked while signed in on another profile then sign out
and hit the back button on your browser then you can report it.

What facebook says about tagging

Ice Cream Animals.

Purple Gallinule
-  breedable 23 hours - not yet giftable

Pennant Coral fish
- breedable 20 hours - not yet giftable

-  beedable 16 hours - not yet giftable -

Even if you already got your 5 scoops today
you can still help friends with toppings
You'll get a message saying that you
can not claim this scoop of ice cream -
but that does not mean you can not help
(Wish zoo would reword this!)

You can get a maximum of 6 of each animal

The aim here is to collect 10 icecreams and a topping.
You can only collect 5 scoops per day
The Animals you can get are as follows.
These do not count towards level ups at present.
Will be available in shop after the 15th
(If zoo does not extend the promotion)

Australian Outback Releases..

Available until the 7th September
breedable not yet giftable

Breedable - 16 hours

Breedable - 72 hours .

Red Kangaroo
Breedable - 23 hours .

White Wallaby
Breedable - 20 hours .

Horse Ride Stable - requires a kiosk Manager

Decorations Outback Lodge and Sign

Thursday, 26 August 2010


Let me start by saying only these apps are Valid Zoo Apps Anything else is fake!

If it is a free offer of something like zoo money or WLP and it does not come from one of these apps - you can bet it is fake!

Valid Zoo Apps

Click on the blue links and select block.
If you have the apps blocked they can not affect you
as you will not see any of their posts.
Please do not create a witch hunt of which friends have them active.
Just Repost and make people aware of fake apps.

APP Friend Factory

Zoo World Guide

Theses are a little different
you need to click to go to the wall.
Go down to the bottom where you can report page
and select spam.

Get 1000 Wildlife Points Instantly *Zoo World*

Zoo World Get Best Secrets & C.H.E.A.T.S

If you get a message to your face book in box and it reads
here is a gift from me to you!
im using up my fb ad credits to send u a gift so HERE = http://apps. facebook....
report it as spam

If you see this message on feed dont even touch it - not even to tell the person it is spam - if it is on your page delete it!
no bulls.. if you are my friend you need this.. you will thank ME = http://apps.facebook.com/the laughfactory/

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Zoo Blast - Link to Official Notes - see what other zoomates say about the game!

Link to Official Zoo Blast Notes

Before playing see what others say about the game

You might have it and not even know it!

New Zoo game released to select few as the Mission Tab was.
Play tournaments where you can win Wildlife Points by playing Zoo Blast.


"BringIt makes Zoo World more fun, by allowing you to compete to win Wildlife Points! Join tournaments, play with friends, or even play against yourself...and win Wildlife Points, Zoo items, and more!"

Monday, 23 August 2010

Vitamins for sick zoo babies...

New Vitamins for sick babies.
Now when we feed babies we have the option
to send a thank you gift back to the person who fed out babies,
This can be used to heal the person who fed our babies sick babies.

When you come to release your baby –
before you post your topiary
you are asked if you would like to
send the feeder a health vitamin.
This is posted to their wall.
To get the juice the feeder needs to claim it from their wall.

Peeps you need to collect the vitamins off your page
to be credited them only the feeder can claim the vitamin.

The amount of vitamins you have will be shown next to the heart

You will still get growth formula when you feed babies...
this will take 25% off the length of time it tkaes for you to breed a new animal

List of Links...

A list of quick links to get the info you need in ZooWorld
Before you do anything else - so that you do not loose this page
if you are veiwing in;

Google chrome -
left click the url (the address in the browser bar)
it will be highlighted in blue
and drag it down to the blue line just below it -
now all you need do is click the link and you have the list.

Getting Tagged

What is new...
Ice Cream Animals
New Game Zoo Blast
Australian Outback Releases

What you need to know...
Google Chrome and Clearing your Flash Cache
Levelling up..
Racing Birds
Contact zoo Devs
4th July Animals
Bird of prey and killer whale shows
Basket Animals
Gate Animals
Kiosks and Wrenchs
Cupid and the Candy Man
Maps and Islands
Cage Upgrades
Quick links to friends, breeding and shop
Using Paypal
Pear trees and Upgrades
Building up your zoo
Trophy Levels
Gift of The Day
Breeding for WLP
Finding things and animals on feed
Scout the treasure finder
Making Money from flowering trees
Training Animals
Animals that make you money
Mission Animals
Feed Animals
Levels which release Animals
Birds in Zoo World
Baby Vitamins

Here Now
Stop Email Notifications
Remove limit on seeing friends posts
Unblocking an Application

creating and Running a group on facebook

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Here Now -

This is an intrusion on our personal privacy.

Please peeps protect yourselves and act on this now!

Click Account in the top right corner
choose privacy settings.
Select customise settings.

Go to places I check into and select "only me".
make sure the enable box DOES NOT have a tick in it!

This has now been updated so you need to choose disable -
the ones I have checked have all been enabled

If we Want people to know where we live
surely we would let them know!

Please repost this on your profile.
We need to protect our friends.

News Update
Watch this video!
News Update

Friday, 20 August 2010

New Feed Animals

peeps these are popping up to post and freezing
try clearing your browser cache and flash before looking for them.
Also if you are lucky enough to find one and it doesnt show in your storage
look in your shop - mine was there.

Roller Bird
From Feed - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Weddell Seal
From Feed - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

The Birds of Zoo World...

Black Robin
Unlock level 125 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Chihuahuan Raven
Unlock level 90 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 16 hours

Eclectus Parrot
Unlock level 90 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 96 hours

Unlock level 85 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 23 hours

New Zealand Shoveler
Unlock level 80 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 23 hours

Unlock level 70 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 20 hours

Unlock level 60 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 120 hours

Unlock level 50 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Canada Goose
Unlock level 45 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Blue Dacnis
Unlock level 45 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 20 hours

Yellow Eyed Penguin
Unlock level 34 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 72 hours

Red Tailed Hawk
Unlock level 33 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 20 hours

Black Kite
Unlock level 33 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 20 hours

Unlock level 32 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 96 hours

Unlock level 28 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 23 hours

Unlock level 27 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 23 hours

Blue Footed Booby
Unlock level 27 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 16 hours

Bird of Paradise
Unlock level 27 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 16 hours

Barn Owl
Unlock level 24 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Unlock level 23 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 8 hours

King Vulture
Unlock level 23 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 24 hours

Micronesian Kingfisher
Unlock level 22 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 4 hours

Unlock level 22 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 12 hours

Sandhill Crane
Unlock level 22 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Chilean Flamingo
Unlock level 21 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

African Crane
Unlock level 20 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Scarlet Macaw
Unlock level 20 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Trumpeter Swan
Unlock level 19 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Unlock level 19 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Andean Condor
Unlock level 18 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 12 hours

Unlock level 18 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 96 hours

Unlock level 14 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Great White Pelican
Unlock level 11(or from feed) - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Indian Peacock
Unlock level 10 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Great Horned Owl
Unlock level 10 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 24 hours

Keel Billed Toucan
Unlock level 9 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Blue and Yellow Macaw
Unlock level 9 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Golden Eagle
Unlock level 3 - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Bald Eagle
Receive when you start zoo - trainable - counts towards level requirements - breedable 4hours

Piping Guan
Feed animal.. counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Carribean Flamingo
Feed animal.. counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Gold Finch
from feed - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Red Footed Booby
from feed - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Painted Stork
from feed - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Roller Bird
from feed - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Red Legged Honey Creeper
from feed - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Scarlet Tanager
Feed animal.. counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Feed animal.. counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Emperor Penguin
Unlimited gift.. counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Great Egret
From feed - counts towards level requirements - breedable 24 hours

Gold Finch
From feed - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Fairy Bluebird
From feed - counts towards level requirements - non breedable

Blue Jay
From feed - counts towards level requirements - breedable 48 hours

Blue Billed Finch
From feed - counts towards level requirements - breedable 120 hours


Martial Eagle

Purple Needletail Swift
Unlock by Racing - counts towards level requirements - breedable 4 hours

Unlock by Racing - counts towards level requirements - breedable 4 hours

Unlock by Racing - counts towards level requirements - breedable 4 hours

Peregrine Falcon
Unlock by Racing - counts towards level requirements - breedable 96 hours

ULTRA RARE - you DO NOT need these to level up...

Snowy owl
Purchase with WLP - breedable 16hrs

Snowy Owl Collection

Dodo on Coals
Purchase with Facebook credits - breedable 8hrs

Purchase with Facebook credits - breedable 8hrs

Buy with WLP Breedable 96 hours

Rainbow Peacock
Buy with WLP - breedable 4 hours

Purple Gallinule
Ice cream Special - September 2010 - breedable 23 hours - not yet giftable

No longer Available
Haitian Flamingo - this was released to raise funds for Haiti Flood Victims

Love Birds
Released for Valentines - breedable 12 hours - not giftable

99c Animals are occassionally brought back by zoo world and sold for 1.99

Jump Roping Dodo Bird
99c animal (18-25 August 2010)- breedable - not giftable

99c animal (25-28 August 2010)- breedable - not giftable

Water Phoenix
99c animal (26-28 August 2010)- breedable - not giftable

Elephant Bird
Discontinued 99c animal - breedable 48 hours - not giftable

Dancing Penguin
Discontinued 99c animal - breedable 16 hours - not giftable

Sleeping Penguin
Discontinued 99c animal - breedable 23 hours - not giftable

Colonial Duck - Fictional Zoo World
Discontinued 99c animal - breedable 96 hours - not giftable

Discontinued 99c animal - breedable 48 hours - not giftable
Rereleased 22-29 August 2010 $1.99

Discontinued 99c animal - breedable 16 hours - not giftable
Rereleased 26 Aug - 3 Sept
Bee Eater
Unlock level 140 - counts towards level requirements - breedable 20 Hours

Mother Goose
Discontinued 99c animal - breedable 96 hours - not giftable

as yet zoo is aware they are not showing in our gifting box
and it appears people are leveling up without them!

Australian Outback Special - breedable hours - giftable

White Peafowl
July 4th Special - breedable 24 hours - giftable

July 4th Special - breedable 20 hours - giftable

Blue crowned Motmot
Mother's day Special - breedable 20 hours - giftable

American Bald Eagle
Patriotic Special - breedable 20 hours - giftable

Rainbow Lorikeet
Limited Edition - counts towards level requirements - breedable 16 hours

Painted Bunting
Limited Edition - counts towards level requirements - breedable 20 hours

Blue Throated BeeEater
Limited Edition - counts towards level requirements - breedable 23 hours

Limited Edition - counts towards level requirements - breedable 72 hours

Father's Day 2010 Limited - counts towards level requirements - breedable 23 hours

Concave Casqued Hornbill
Gate Animal - does not count towards level requirements (yet)- non breedable